iwannabedirty Jun 09, 2011 17:22
[verse] beauty and the dork, [verse] open, [comm] sixwordstories, !ic, [ship] sam/santana, [with] sam [imthenewguy]
iwannabedirty May 24, 2011 01:17
[ship] puck/santana, [verse] beauty and the dork, [ship] brittany/santana, [with] riley [lovestoperform], [what] meme - other, [verse] open, [verse] better off as lovers, [with] sam [imthenewguy], [with] brittany [moretalented], [with] artie [dancnwithmyself], !ic, [ship] riley/santana, [with] puck [jewhawk], [ship] sam/santana
iwannabedirty Apr 12, 2011 12:47
[verse] beauty and the dork, [ship] brittany/santana, [verse] open, [comm] sixwordstories, [verse] better off as lovers, [with] sam [imthenewguy], [with] brittany [moretalented], !ic, [ship] sam/santana
iwannabedirty Apr 10, 2011 15:10
iwannabedirty Mar 29, 2011 13:00
[verse] beauty and the dork, [ship] brittany/santana, [what] meme - thread, [verse] open, [verse] better off as lovers, [with] sam [imthenewguy], [with] brittany [moretalented], !ic, [ship] sam/santana
iwannabedirty Mar 28, 2011 14:20
[verse] beauty and the dork, [verse] open, [comm] sixwordstories, [with] sam [imthenewguy], [verse] a special kind of double, !ic, [ship] sam/santana, [with] coretta [heartjob]
iwannabedirty Mar 26, 2011 15:56
iwannabedirty Feb 13, 2011 12:42
[ship] puck/santana, [verse] beauty and the dork, [verse] open, [comm] sixwordstories, !ic, [ship] sam/santana